IT-ers learn about blockchain and promising applications in the digital age

The workshop “Blockchain Technology and Practical Application” organized by HUTECH Faculty of Information Technology on September 29th, brought a lot of interesting information and knowledge to the students who love and are passionate about Blockchain Technology.

IT-ers tìm hiểu về blockchain và những ứng dựng triển vọng trong thời đại công nghệ  số 20
HUTECH and 10x Lab are  officially signing  a cooperation agreement 

 At the seminar, the students had the opportunity to listen to  insightful and useful contents  related to the current popular technology application trend by Mr. George Nguyen. In addition, the speaker also shared  about promising fields that are using Blockchain in development and operations to help students understand the uses of Blockchain technology. 

IT-ers tìm hiểu về blockchain và những ứng dựng triển vọng trong thời đại công nghệ  số 58
HUTECH students are having a meaningful time with Mr. George Nguyen

News: Phuong Trinh
Photos: Quoc Dat

Office of External and Public Relations 
Translator: Biah Ra, Aiza

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