HUTECH co - organizes an International Scientific Conference with 27 universities in Southeast Asia

In May 2022, members of the Faculty of English (HUTECH) attended anInternational Scientific Conference with 27 universities from 4 countries including: Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. HUTECH is among 5 universities co-organizing this event
HUTECH co - organizes an International Scientific Conference with 27 universities in Southeast Asia 8Scientific Conference hosted by Thepsatri University of Pedagogy (Thailand) 
The seminar was held online and hosted by Thepsatri University of Pedagogy (Thailand); co-organizers include Mara Technical University (Malaysia), University of Tanjungpura (Indonesia), PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya University (Indonesia), Sebelas Maret University (Indonesia) and Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Vietnam) has attracted more than 200 lecturers, researchers, and  students majoring in languages from 27 universities in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam.
The conference presents 30 reports focusing on improving the quality of English teaching, training and fostering English teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, the poarticipants discuss the solutions to overcome difficulties in teaching English

HUTECH co - organizes an International Scientific Conference with 27 universities in Southeast Asia 19
The seminar has attracted more than 200 lecturers, researchers and students majoring in languages
In addition, the conference also promotes cooperation between universities that have signed MOUs in Southeast Asia, and creating a forum for sharing academic experiences among member universities.
News & Photos: The Faculty of English Language
Office of External and Public Relations
